GTCathlon - 2024

GTCathlon - 2024

Goto click on login 

Put in your username and password

Click on your profile pic and select "My Profile"

Clcik on my races and then select my results cumulative


You shoudl see four GTCathlon result pages. 

You can choose to EITHER enter your time's for each distance OR enter your full time time for the event.  

If you choose to enter the full time then  select the full race and enter your result You do not need to enter a "link from activity application"

Click on save and that's you done!

OR you can enter your individual resiults from swiming, biking and running. The results are cumulative so you can enter multiple results and the total time / distance will be worked out automatically

For example if i've done two bike rides I could enter them twice, or i coudl just total them myelf and enter them once. It doesn't matter which way you do it but  i recommend logging each activity as you do it. 

If i wanted to log one ride of 20 miles done in an hour I'd select bike and then fill in the form like this 

To add another bike time click on "view segments" and then "add new segment"

If you don't want to use raceid or your having issues with it then email and I can enter your times manually.