Updates on North Dorset Triathlon Club training, races, and events

North Dorset Tri Club Championship 2024

The objective of the club championship is to:

Provide a means of bringing the club members together through having a common focus of friendly fun!!! To encourage beginners to take their first steps into competition and provide a fair competition for all members.

The championship will run from 1st December 2023 to the 30th November 2024*, and will be open to all paid up members of the club. If you have already completed an event this year then please add it.

* or to the date of the Tri Club Christmas party, whichever is sooner.


There will be four competitions, a SHORT COURSE & LONG COURSE Championship, sub-divided into a Male & Female Champion in each competition.  Whoever has amassed the most points, will be crowned the winner at the Christmas party.


There are a range of disciplines to compete in, which will earn points towards the championship. Points are awarded by competing in Triathlon's, Aquathlon's, Duathlon’s, (aka Multi Sports) & single swim, bike & run events.

This is designed to encourage more Tri club members to enter different events & promote the club name, whilst earning points for your Championship total.

Each discipline & distance will carry a maximum number of points available towards your Championship total score.


The short course championship is based on an Olympic Triathlon having a maximum 1500 points available.

The long course championship is based on an Ironman Triathlon having a maximum 5000 points available. 

A single equivalent element over the same distance will have a maximum 1/3rd of the points available.  The same principle would apply for an aquathlon or duathlon with 2/3rd's of the max points available.

The points ceiling is a cap on the maximum points you can attain for an event. 

The points floor is the minimum number of points you can attain for an event.  This is set to 1/3 of the maximum points.

Rate of Decline: Points are calculated based on the athlete’s race finish time behind the first finisher in his/her age group.


To keep the maths easy the following formula has been used for each activity:

Swim: Distance in KM * 340

Bike: Distance in KM * 12

Run: Distance in KM * 50

For a Olympic Triathlon: (1.5 * 340) + (40 * 12) + (10 * 50) = 1490

For a 2 km swim: 2 * 340 = 680

For a 25 mile (50km) bike ride: 50 * 12 = 600

For a 5km (i.e. Park Run PB) run: 5 *50 = 250

Points Ceiling: Each activity is capped at 750 points, so the maximum distance you can achieve before your points are capped are; 2.2 km swim, a 62.5 km ride or a 15 km run.

Rate of decline: This has been set at 10 points per minute (1 point every 6 seconds).

Park Run. Only your Personal Best (any course) within the championship dates can count.


To keep the maths easy the following formula has been used for each activity:

Swim: Distance in KM * 400

Bike: Distance in KM * 10

Run: Distance in KM * 40

For an Ironman Triathlon: (3.8 * 400) + (180.2 * 10) + (42.2 * 40) = 5010

For a 6.5k swim: 6.5 * 400 = 2600

For a 100 mile (160km) bike ride: 160 * 10 = 1600

For a half marathon (13.1 mile, 21 km) run: 21 *40 = 840

For a 5km (i.e. Park Run PB) run: 5 *40 = 200

Points Ceiling: Each activity is capped at 3600 points, so the maximum distance you can achieve before your points are capped are; 9 km swim, 360 km ride or 90 km run.

Rate of decline: This has been set at 10 points per minute (1 point every 6 seconds).


A member can enter as many events of their choice as they wish, however, a maximum limit will be placed on each Championship to encourage fair competition.

You can submit as many events within the championship window as you wish, the best scoring 5 events* (short and long course) will be used towards your overall Championship points.  Once the event limit has been reached, the competitions member will swap out your lowest score for a better scoring event to improve your league table position.

* Multi Sport points are given priority over single event points. 

You can submit single sport events, however we are a Triathlon Club, therefore you have to complete at least ONE MULTI SPORT event in a Championship, in order to win the Championship.  To win you need to:

Short Course.  Complete one sprint or Olympic triathlon/aquathlon/duathlon etc, with up to 4 other events.

Long Course.  Complete one 70.3 or full Ironman distance event, with up to 4 other events.

The championship is designed to encourage competition over the full year, and enable those injured or unable to compete in more than 5 events to have a fair chance to amass points.


Points will be added to a league table for each Championship split by female & male categories, and be uploaded to the club Facebook page & updated monthly from April/May.

The leading members in each category & competition at the time of the club Christmas party will be crowned as champion.


It has been recognised that awarding points based on a members time against their peers (age group), creates a fair basis of competition. Typically, each event organiser allocates an age group banding for each competitor (i.e. 40-44 age group, or 40-49 etc.) and will be used to calculate Championship points for each member. In the case of no age group banding or senior / veteran classification, then points will be awarded based on the event organisers categorised results.


• Only paid up members can enter the Championships. (Typically due February).

• New members will have points allocated from membership joining date, no previous points to be allocated.

• All members to submit their result via the Google form linked at the bottom of this page.

• You can enter both championships (short & long course) if you wish.  You cannot submit the same event in both championships.

• A minimum of 1 multi sport event is required in each Championship you wish to win the Championship.

• Your highest scores will be used to determine your overall points, with multi sport scores taking priority over single sport scores.

• Member must provide a link the results page from the recognised event organisers websites when submitting their results in the online forms.

 • Athletes are encouraged to check their points/rankings throughout the year to make sure all of their results are accurate and notify the club of any discrepancies.

 • Championship results to be uploaded to the club Facebook page/email at least monthly.

• In the event of a dispute, the NDTC committee will have the final decision.

NOTE - Rules can be subject to change via consultation and approval from the NDTC committee.

The 2024 Championship form can be found at:  Click Here