How to book and cancel Training Sessions

How to book and cancel Training Sessions

Booking onto to Training Sessions:

  1. Click “TRAINING” from the top menu

  2. Scroll Down until you can see the “Upcoming Training Sessions”

  3. Click on the training session you want to attend

  4. Click “Book your place”

  5. Sign in with your ClubSpark account and password, do not use the British Triathlon Account option.

  6. Select the Athlete to attend (this will most likely only show your own name unless you have previously booked sessions for other athletes), check the Terms and Conditions and click “Pay Now”

  7. Enter you card details, and click “PAY” and follow the payment screen.

How to cancel a booked Training Session:


  • Message a member of the coaching team with details of the session to be cancelled and if a rebooking is required.


  • Agree with another member to transfer your session direct to them.

NOTE:  24hour notice is required for a session to be rebooked.