
Tri Bramley Baths Juniors - Unofficial Club Runs

Since the easing of lockdown restrictions and changes to British Triathlon Federations Coaching Guidance, Claire and Simon have been taking the juniors out on a Saturday morning for a group run session and even a bit of Friday night boot camp in the park.

The kids have loved these sessions, as have Simon and Claire. Simon even stated that  "Saturday mornings are my favourite session of the week at the moment".

This weekend we enlisted the help of a fellow TriBBer, Pete Enever and his two daughters to take us on a much loved Tunnel run through Black Carr Woods in Pudsey.  The kids (and adults) loved it so much we are going back for round 2 this weekend.

Watch this space for further photos of wet and muddy TriBB Juniors.

TriBB Juniors is open to kids aged between 8 and 16 years.  If your interested in coming along, please email for further details.