Safeguarding & Welfare
Safeguarding & Welfare
TFJ take child welfare very seriously, and the follow the guidelines set out by the British Triathlon Association. These can be found at: British Triathlon, Child Protection
Our club welfare officer is Emma Day.
Emma has years of experience in the NHS and has undergone enhanced DBS checks (formerly CRB), British Triathlon safeguarding training and attended the British Triathlon welfare officer course.
Emma helps the club in developing and promoting a young person focussed, friendly and safe environment. Emma is responsible for disseminating safeguarding information to the committee and membership as well as reporting back any concerns from within the club.
Emma is the first point of contact for any person (athlete, parent or coach) who has a concern about child welfare or protection.
You can contact Emma during a training session, or find her mobile number on the TFJ parent whatsapp group. In addition, all of our coaches are DBS checked and have British Triathlon safeguarding training.
TFJ ask all parents and athletes to sign up to a code of conduct on an annual basis, re committing to playing their part in providing a welcoming, encouraging, safe and supportive junior tri club.
You are able to make anonymous contact with the national British Safeguarding lead child protection officers: or
Mon-Fri via phone 01509 226 159.
If your concern is one of immediate risk, please call the police on 999.
NSPCC 0800 800 5000
NSPCC Child protection in sport unit 0116 234 7278
Childline UK 0800 1111