News from Members and Event Updates


Annual General Meeting

Sunday 4th December was the date for the Club's AGM. 

A pre meeting social 5k run was completed from Ness Islands, then various cakes were consumed to replenish energy levels ahead of the AGM.

The club welcomed some new committee members - fantastic news. 

Duncan Chisholm - Chair
Scott Craig-Mackie - Treasurer
Neil Grant - Welfare Officer
Andrea McColl - Events (Lewis Meeks shadowing)
Mark Georgeson - Coaching (Catriona Fosyth shadowing)
Calea Souter - Tri Juniors
Archie Prentice, Nicole Murray, Calea Souter - Comms
Kirsty Campbell, Alan Lowe - Committee Members
(Vice Chair and secretary are vacant positions at the moment.)

We also said thank you to some longstanding committee members who are standing down from their roles. Thank you Jenny, Trina , Ewan and Julie for all your hard work. You have been incredible. 🙏💗