By Chris Maxwell
Well, quite a unique year! COVID-19 and unprecedented times, terms I know of which we are all very sick of now. So unfortunately this report is rather short, however during these difficult times we have done our best to keep members motivated, including:-
- Virtual events, Zwift training and racing including a SW duathlon, Zwift Racing League and the Super League. Our prominence in the Super League has prompted an article soon to be published by SW Triathlon.
- Sportifs and informal training also kept us going, where lockdown rules allowed.
- A big thank you to the whole committee for keeping things going this year, but special mention to Neil Perry for being our resident Zwift expert – and organising our first Zwift racing league team. And Lynsey for juggling the swim training during periods of constant change.
- We briefly resumed swim training & there was limited real racing in September.
- I know we all very much look forward to resuming training and racing in 2021!
- I have decided to step-down as Chairman after 6 years since forming the club in 2014, to give the club some fresh impetus as we come out of lockdown. I would rather have stepped down with the club (and world) in a better place, but still feel the time is right. I remain fully committed to the club and plan to be a very active committee member, more on that later.
Summary of the accounts were circulated and accepted at the Chippenham Tri AGM.
Membership dropped to 50 members in 2020 due to COVID-19.
The 2021 committee was approved at the Chippenham Tri AGM.
- Chairman – Neil Perry
- Vice-Chair – Nicky Capp [New Role]
- Secretary – Lucy Williams
- Treasurer – Lindsay Veevers
- COVID19 Officer – Duncan Cooper [New Role added during the year]
- Welfare Officer – Victoria Castle
- Head Coach - Chris Maxwell [New Role]
- Swim Coordinator – Lynsey Carpenter
- Duathlon Race Director – Lynn McMillan
- Championship Race Coordinator – Mark Robson
- Kit – Belinda Stephenson
- Social Secretary – Nikki Capp & Nicola Todd
- Publicity - Beverley Flesher
- Tristars - Chris Maxwell
- Website Admin - David Walker