Strength & Conditioning

Strength & Conditioning

Online Strength and Conditioning classes are delivered on weekday mornings (except during August) via Zoom for you to participate from your own home. You will need a computer capable of running Zoom and to communicate with the Coach you will also need a camera and a microphone.

This is a 30 min program typically with a warm-up, a main set and a cool down stretch. You will need a mat, and sometimes other items of equipment such as resistance bands or a chair. The class is structured as a series of exercises each done for 30-45 secs. No weights are used, just bodyweight exercises and resistance bands. The exercises are selected to improve strength and form for the three triathlon disciplines.

Venue: Your own home via Zoom. Join the S&C WhatApp group to get the Zoom link, the latest weekly schedule and the equipment requirements.

Time: Weekdays 6.30-7.00am

Cost: Free for club members