Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy

Tri3 Sleaford Behaviour Policy

Policy Aims

Tri3 Sleaford aim to provide a warm, relaxed, stimulating and orderly sporting environment for Juniors and adults to feel comfortable within themselves and their surroundings. In doing so, the diversity of social and cultural backgrounds, the feelings and views of all Juniors, parents and carers, coaches and volunteers will be valued and respected.

This policy recognises the need to: 

• To deliver fair, consistent and clear guidelines around expected behaviours and

their consequences that coaches and volunteers will follow with a common

approach, ensuring equal opportunity and fairness.

• That behaviour is often a form of communication, telling us something about a

juniors level of engagement in the session or how a Junior is feeling.

• To share an understanding that behaviour is not developed through punishment,

but by modelling desired behaviours.

• To ensure misbehaviour, abuse, bullying, harassment and discrimination are

dealt with fairly, effectively and promptly.


Whilst freedom is important, at Tri3 Sleaford we believe in the importance of setting

boundaries that children must understand and follow, for their own safety and for the safety of others, including coaches and volunteers. We aim to do this in a way in which we will help each Junior develop a sense of the consequences of their behaviour.


We will always aim to praise and reinforce positive behaviour before using sanctions. When it is necessary to use sanctions, any sanctions given take into consideration the child’s age and stage of development.


What we will do to promote acceptable behaviour: 

1. Deliver clear expectations of behaviour, respect and safety.

2. Praise good behaviour privately and publicly.

3. Promote respect for each other and equipment.

4. Set good standards through our own example.


Coaches & Volunteers responsibilities will: 

1. Treat all Juniors fairly and with respect.

2. Listen to and value the feelings of all Juniors, Coaches, Volunteers and parents.

3. Support the Juniors to make the right choices.

4. Help Juniors become aware of the consequences of their behaviour. 

5. Encourage good behaviour

6. Recognise that each Junior is an individual and be aware of their needs.

7. Foster good relations with parents/carers and other club members.

8. Be aware of factors that contribute to different behavioural patterns.

9. Show a positive and friendly attitude and be positive role models.

10. Handle any behavioural issues in accordance the guidelines set out in this policy


Juniors Responsibilities:

1. Treat Coaches, Volunteers and other Juniors with respect.

2. Take responsibility for their own behaviour and actions.

3. Listen to and follow the instructions of Tri3 Sleaford Coaches and volunteers.

4. Co-operate with other Juniors and adults.

5. Take care of all equipment and surrounding environment.

6. Be responsible for their belongings. Tri3 Sleaford cannot be responsible for

children leaving their belongings behind.


Examples of unacceptable behaviour:

1. Physical aggression: hitting, kicking, smacking, biting, slapping or any other form

of physical harm, damage to equipment or property.

2. Verbal: swearing or verbal abuse including loud and or disrespectful language.

3. Anti-social or discriminating remarks: name calling, bullying, teasing or any

other act of discrimination.

4. Intimidation or manipulation: Junior to Junior, adult to Junior or Junior to adult.

5. Unsafe / unruly behaviour

6. Failing to follow safety guidance / instruction from coaches or volunteers.


What we do when unacceptable behaviour occurs:  

• Every Junior will be talked to respectfully.

• When an incident is between two or more Juniors, each Junior will be listened to

and allowed to express their feelings, and their experience. 

• All feelings are accepted but some behaviour may not be. This must be made

clear to the Junior.

• ALL Juniors will be subject to a 3 stage behaviour process as detailed below. 


3 Stage Process 

1. Warning – polite verbal warning for minor misdemeanours e.g. not doing as

requested. The athlete will be asked to sit out of the session for 5 minutes.

2. Yellow Card – 2nd warning. Juniors will be asked to sit out for 5 minutes and

issued with a yellow card.

Behaviour meriting a yellow card:

• Bad language

• Throwing bottles, pull buoys etc

• Persistently disobeying the rules

• Disruptive behaviour e.g. Not listening, disrespectful towards the coach

• Tripping other children

3. Red card – junior removed from the session. The coach will contact the parent

and ask them to take them home. They are banned from the following session

they would normally attend. 


Behaviour meriting a red card:

• Pushing others poolside

• Deliberately swimming dangerously in the lane e.g., kicking others, cutting each

other up, deliberately swimming the wrong way.

• Any other behaviour the coach deems as deliberate that endangers the safety of the


• Behaviour incidents will be recorded by coaches to ensure the process is

followed accurately at all times and reported accordingly. 


Stage 3 escalation - serious incidents, such as violent behaviour, will be reported

to the parent on collection and the Club Committee.  Children who repeatedly reach stage 3 on the behaviour system are likely to be excluded from the club temporarily or permanently.


*Fees - If a junior is removed from a Tri3 event or training session then a refund WILL NOT be given. 


We take bullying very seriously. Bullying may include physical or verbal abuse of another club member, coach or volunteer.

If a junior bullies another person:

1. We will show the junior who have been bullied that we are able to listen to their

concerns and act upon them;

2. We will intervene and explain to the Junior doing the bullying why her/his

behaviour is not acceptable;

3. We will give reassurance to the individuals who have been bullied;

4. We will discuss what has happened with the parents of the child who did the

bullying asking for their help in highlighting that the behaviour is unacceptable.

5. We will share what has happened with the parents of the child who has been

bullied, explaining measures that have been taken in the session to stop the



Parent / carer’s responsibilities

1. To be aware of the rules and expectations of the club.

2. To share information with coaches and volunteers regarding any pertinent

known child development issues.

3. To direct any worries, concerns or complaints to the club’s safeguarding officers,

arranging a meeting if required

4. To make your children aware of what is acceptable behaviour.

5. To encourage independence and self-discipline.

6. To support the club in the implementation of this policy.