NTC Coaching application process

NTC Coaching application process

During the initial stages the applicant should express their interest to the Head coach/level 3 coach. The applicant should be able to demonstrate the following:

  • have a proven record of commitment to the club
  • at least 1 year’s membership
  • be age 16 or above

Following confirmation of the above a mentor coach will be agreed and assigned to the applicant.

The applicant will assist in a variety of sessions for a minimum of 20 hrs prior to formal application (including fast track applications).

They will receive feedback in verbal and written form from mentor coach &/or head coach. The suitability of the applicant will be assessed during this stage of the process.

Once the applicant and mentor agree a time frame the applicant may seek a suitable  course offering a formal coaching qualification (coaching section of BTF website).

A formal application should be presented to head coach and committee.

NTC treasurer to confirm coach education funds available.

The formal application may then be made to BTF – club to be invoiced directly for 50% of cost. Applicant to contribute 50% of course fees which will be reimbursed by the  club once a further 15 hours of coaching at NTC sessions has been completed post qualification.

The trainee coach should continue to work with mentor during the formal qualification process.