NTC Coaching application process

NTC Coaching application process

During the initial stages the applicant should express their interest to the Head coach/level 3 coach. The applicant should be able to demonstrate the following:

  • have a proven record of commitment to the club
  • at least 1 year’s membership
  • be age 16 or above

Following confirmation of the above a mentor coach will be agreed and assigned to the applicant.

The applicant will assist in a variety of sessions for a minimum of 20 hrs prior to formal application (including fast track applications).

They will receive feedback in verbal and written form from mentor coach &/or head coach. The suitability of the applicant will be assessed during this stage of the process.

Once the applicant and mentor agree a time frame the applicant may seek a suitable  course offering a formal coaching qualification (coaching section of BTF website).

A formal application should be presented to head coach and committee.

NTC treasurer to confirm coach education funds available.

The formal application may then be made to BTF – club to be invoiced directly for 50% of cost. Applicant to contribute 50% of course fees which will be reimbursed by the  club once a further 15 hours of coaching at NTC sessions has been completed post qualification.

The trainee coach should continue to work with mentor during the formal qualification process.

When qualified, and after the initial period, coaches will be required to work the following number of hours per month at coached club sessions: 

Level 1 Coaches - 2 hours
Level 2 Coaches - 4 hours
Level 3 Coaches - 6 hours

If personal circumstances change, temporarily or permanently, the head coach will agree alternative arrangements on an individual basis.